Tale Structure

This section describes the structure of a tale. Tales consist of the following elements:

  • Environment

  • Workspace

  • External data

  • Versions and Runs

  • Metadata


A tale environment consists of:

  • The selected interactive environment (e.g., RStudio, JupyerLab, MATLAB, STATA). These relate to a repo2docker buildpack and default command used to start the interactive environment.

  • repo2docker configuration files specifying software dependencies

  • The container image built from the above stored in the container registry.


The tale workspace is the primary folder containing your code, data, documentation – anything required to reproduce your computational workflow.

External data

A read-only folder containing externally referenced data that has been registered with Whole Tale.

Versions and Runs

The Saved Versions (versions) and Recorded Runs (runs) folders provide read-only access to versions and recorded runs.


Tale metadata contains additional information about your tale including title, authors, description, keywords, license, and citations/references.